
The Basics of Hinduism

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This course is delivered by Swami Revatikaantananda via seven engaging and multi-faceted lessons containing video modules totalling 2 and a quarter hours along with support materials such as further reading and quizzes. Your progress through the modules is always saved which means you can go through them at your own speed.

SKU: LMS-K-002 Category:


This course is delivered by Swami Revatikaantananda via seven engaging and multi-faceted lessons containing video modules totalling 2 and a quarter hours along with support materials such as further reading and quizzes. Your progress through the modules is always saved which means you can go through them at your own speed.

We will trace the origins of the term ‘Hinduism’, the culture’s modern history, and the consequent identity of Hindus. Together, we will unpack the seeming complexity of Hinduism’s multiple denominations, philosophies, scriptures, and deities, all the while contrasting and comparing certain key elements to the other major world religions.

Famous, but often misunderstood, principles such as karma, reincarnation, liberation, caste, and more will be succinctly and precisely defined and then interlinked into one cohesive vision. In fact, by the end of this course, you will be able to summarise Hinduism’s mainstream worldview, including all of its essential tenets, in one cleverly constructed sentence!